Hoax dictionary entries about legendary obscene beasts. Another clever parody uses the familiar format of Animal World (动物世界), a popular CCTV program, to introduce the Grass Dirt Horse and its habitat. But fun with Baidupedia is not entirely about dirty words.
For a different level of satire, check out the now- deleted entry for revolutionary hero Wei Guangzheng (伟光正, taken from 伟大, 光荣, 正确, "great, glorious, correct"): Wei Guangzheng. Comrade Wei Guangzheng is a superior product of natural selection. In the course of competition for survival, because of certain unmatched qualities of his genetic makeup, he has a great ability to survive and reproduce, and hence Wei Guangzheng represents the most advanced state of species evolution. Here is the evolution of Wei Guangzheng's thinking: Since the day of his birth, comrade Wei Guangzheng established a guiding ideology for the people's benefit, and in the course of connecting it with the real circumstances of his beloved Sun Kingdom, a process of repeated comparisons that involved the twists and turns of campaigns of encirclement and suppression, his ideology finally realized a historic leap forward and generated two major theoretic achievements.
The first great theoretic leap was the idea of leading a handful of people to take up arms to cause trouble, rebellion, and revolution in order to build a brave new world, and to successfully seize power. This was the "spear ideology." The second great theoretic leap was a theory, with Sun Kingdom characteristics, in which Wei Guangzheng was unswervingly upheld as leader and the people were forever prevented from standing up. This was the "shield theory." Under the guidance of these two great theoretic achievements, comrade Wei Guangzheng won victory after victory. Practice has proven, "Without Wei Guangzheng, there would be no Sun Kingdom." Following the road of comrade Wei Guangzheng was the choice of the people of the Sun Kingdom and an inevitable trend of historical development. Comrade Wei Guangzheng endured a bitter struggle for survival. In his struggles with natural conditions, he climbed mountains and trudged through plains, expressing with an iron will a legendary story of pathos that continues to impress his posterity.
Some humorous entries in Baidupedia, and a meme of the Grass Mud Horse spawned from them. Test your knowledge with amazing and interesting facts, trivia, quizzes, and brain teaser games on MentalFloss.com.
- A documentary promoting the conspiracy theory alleging that the tragedy at Sandy Hook is a hoax designed to increase popular support for gun control.
- Watch The Conjuring 2 Online in High Definition.
- Jimmy Kimmel is at it again. ABC's late-night host was the brains behind another hoax, this time recruiting the help of a U.S. Olympian during the Winter Olympic.

· A three-fingered mummified body has been reportedly found in Nazca, Peru, with video of the purported body appearing on YouTube. However, researchers have. Directed by Lasse Hallström. With Richard Gere, Alfred Molina, David Aaron Baker, John Carter. In what would cause a fantastic media frenzy, Clifford Irving sells.
In struggles with heterogeneous individuals, he engaged in a long- term fight with the reactionary government of the time and was ultimately triumphant. In his struggles with individuals in his own group, he cast out the cow devils and snake spirits that organized internal reactionary activity, and dealt them harsh punishment. This is the reason why comrade Wei Guangzheng could continue to survive: he fit perfectly with the three main factors of natural selection. Watch The Devil`S Chair Online Hitfix. In the harmonious environment that comrade Wei Guangzheng himself constructed, mates were plentiful and there were no natural enemies, so Wei Guangzhengs could multiply quickly.
Their numbers swiftly increased. Today, Wei Guangzhengs inherit the advantages of their Wei Guangzheng ancestors, and also attempt various innovations. For example, many Wei Guangzhengs use their unmatched power to amass money, setting records that are continually broken. Of course, evolutionary principles mean that there is also mutation, as when, following his leadership of a handful of people to take up arms to cause trouble, rebellion, and revolution and to seize power, Wei Guangzheng began to detest "a handful of people".. The reason for this mutation may be due to errors in genetic transmission during the period of the second leap of Wei Guangzheng Thought. It is said that mutation frequently causes cells to function improperly or even die, or could lead to cancer.
Yet at the same time, mutation is a motivating factor for the evolution of species: sudden changes that are less than ideal will be naturally discarded, while beneficial changes will accumulate. In this way, we see that mutations directly affect the evolutionary direction of Wei Guangzheng. Update: Our friends from the World of Warcraft boards on Baidu's BBS have stopped by for a visit (草泥马被国外知名媒体报道 WOW吧名扬海外了). Update (2. 00. 9. Language Log has posted on the phenomenon, and one comment presents an interesting account of the genesis of these creatures: The history of GMH, or the Grass Mud Horse, is longer than most people had realized. It is even difficult to identify where it had particularly originated from.
One thing is certain, though, that GMH did have a close relationship with the Spartan culture (a sort of Chinese online subculture), which based on a series of smart photoshopped parody comic owning genesis to the Hollywood blockbuster The 3. Spartans, 2. 00. 5. The actor Vincent Regan as Captain in the movie made out an exaggeratingly roaring sound with the exact likeness of lip movements as a Chinese curse word "Wo. Cao" carrying the meaning close to "fuck". The funny thing is "Wo.
Cao" can also be written as 卧槽, a technical term in Chinese chess game. Some Internet users discovered this and soon mass volumes of gif animations subtitled 卧槽 capturing the scene from the movie, began to prevail in major Chinese bbs's (i.
Confirmed: HOPA Dry Erase Girl Is A Hoax, Identity Revealed“Girl quits her job on dry erase board, emails entire office (3. Photos)” is indeed a hoax, say its creators John and Leo Resig.
I’d love to pull out some well- worn meta- media analysis about how memes are increasingly where we get our culture and we need to be more circumspect when filtering information yada yada, but I’ll leave that to my betters. Elyse Porterfield or “Jenny Dry. Erase,” who went straight from our inboxes to the “1,0. Strong for Jenny Dry. Erase to Pose in Playboy” Facebook fan page, should speak for herself. New to Los Angeles from Greeley, Colorado, 2.
Elyse Porterfield responded to the following ad in Actors Access last Thursday. The photo shoot, which happened that Friday, was for an image board site called The Chive. The Chive (which gets around 5.
Google) is part of a network of viral sites run by brothers Leo and John Resig, who have a storied history of manufacturing Internet hoaxes, most notably the $1. Donald Trump tip and the infamous “virgin text messages her dad that she lost her virginity.” Both hoaxes ended up punking various mainstream media outlets including Fox News, Gawker and Jay Leno. Porterfield told Tech.
Crunch, “When I went into the audition, I didn’t know what it was for — but thought that this couldn’t be too bawdy or promiscuous or else they wouldn’t have me holding a dry erase board. The actress’ prior claims to fame include being compared to Angelina Jolie in People Magazineand performing in her college theater troupe. She had not heard of the acronym HOPA beforehand. The brothers Resig came up with the idea for “Dry Erase Girl” about a month ago at the King’s Head Bar in Santa Monica, CA, and wrote down the details on paper napkins, including the etymology of HOPA (see below).
Says John Resig, “We came up with a hoax that was completely relatable. It wasn’t spread by Tech. Crunch and Reddit. It was spread by Facebook and inter- office email.
Everyone wants to quit their jobs like this.“All they had to do was post the images of Porterfield holding the dry erase board on The Chive at around 4: 3. College Humor re- posted, followed shortly by Tech. Crunch. Resig says they targeted us because his publicist said that they should try for a Tech.
Crunch write- up (Nice work guys). When asked if this was done purely to garner traffic and get media attention, Resig responded,“We didn’t do this for the media. I’d did it almost to prove to myself that I had it in me, to make something go viral at 4: 3. You get a pure thrill of watching your site go from 1. And later, “It struck a personal chord.
And people wanted to share it.” To the tune of 2. Based on what was essentially a lie. The brothers told a skeptical Peter Kafka that Jenny was “real,” they told us that people “want to believe.”From Resig: “People, particularly journalists, underestimate America’s appetite for a good story.
This story wasn’t primarily done to see how many people in the mainstream media we could hoodwink (though that was fun), it wasn’t done for the publicity, money, nor was it a slapdash reaction to some Jet. Blue clown; it was done purely for the entertainment of the people first and foremost. The purpose of the hoax was to entertain and inspire, not to inform, so what difference does it make if the story has a single ounce of truth?
After our second hoax I remember a reporter telling me, ‘Well it looks like you’ve fooled us twice. Won’t get away with this nonsense again.”Resig still has another media announcement planned for 1. PDT tomorrow. And he is not sad that the meme is essentially dying with this post, “A hoax has two lives, the initial hoax and the story of how it happened.
Even though this is a hoax, people want to see a walking/talking Jenny, the people want Jenny.“In either case, Porterfield, who spent all day reading the comments and having a blast, is still in awe, “A million Facebook friends, I’m going to wake up to a million Facebook friends.”“I Want to Make a Meme” Photo: Buzzfeed. Actors Access Ad: Boing Boing. Headshot photos: Elyse Porterfield.